

DataPro is one of the most complete compendia of chemical compounds and elements in digital format that can be found today.



DataPro is one of the most complete compendia of chemical compounds and elements in digital format that can be found today.

DataPro’s incredible database contains information of all kinds on more than three thousand chemical compounds and elements, making it an essential tool for students, teachers, or professionals in the field of chemical sciences.

Within this very complete tool we can find, apart from a copy of the classic periodic table, a complete converter to which we can add our own personalized units, a detailed index in which all the individual characteristics of a great variety of components, both organic and organic, are specified. such as inorganics, critical constants, help to calculate thermal diffusivity in gasses, liquids or solids or a viscosity calculator among many other things.

Apart from all these functions, DataPro also offers its users access to an extensive agenda with simplified information of interest, perfect for quick consultation.