RedCrab The Calculator 8.2
RedCrab Calculator is a mathematics software with full screen editor for the placement of algebraic formulas on the worksheet in mathematical notation.
RedCrab Calculator is a mathematics software with full screen editor for the placement of algebraic formulas on the worksheet in mathematical notation.
Results can be displayed in different numeric formats and in diagrams. Images and texts can be inserted. RedCrab worksheets are also suitable for presentations.
The software functions for technical and scientific calculation of individual values and data fields.
RedCrab PLUS extends the range of functions with additional functions for statistics, finances, matrices, and special applications, as well as calculating with complex numbers and units of measure. Plotting in 2D and 3D surfaces and wireframes.
The RedCrab Calculator is portable. No installation is required. RedCrab starts from an external disk, e.g. USB flash drive. Program settings are stored in the start directory.